Sources of Inspiration Part 2 – Inspired by a Viking Queen

Apart from my first and oldest source of inspiration for my artwork, the character of Lady Oscar, I have a second, more recent source of inspiration:

Lagertha / „Vikings“

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Lagertha from the series „Vikings“ is a Viking peasant, the wife of Viking legend Ragnar Lothbrok. She rose to fame with her husband due to their thirst for adventure and conquest. She became a Viking queen, and even after their separation and his death she ruled alone on the throne. „Vikings“ is not historically accurate but is inspired by many Viking legends. 

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The character of Lagertha is the one I identify the strongest with and that fascinates me: a charismatic woman that fights better than most of her male counterparts, and that unites contradictory feelings and character traits: Lagertha is both absolutely compassionate and ruthless, strong and soft, powerthirsty but powertired, mistrusting and yet so often too trusting.

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There is one major character weakness: she has a short temper in situations that demand more pragmatism. But there is also one strength that Lagertha has and will always keep: she is incredibly loyal to the ones she loves, ready to sacrifice everything for them. That is maybe why she often enough gets disappointed in life – she is ready to fight a war that is not hers for someone she loves – while many others often focus on their own goals or at least won’t go that extra mile for anyone. Being a queen herself, her real strength is to lead another leader to victory – the one who has Lagertha on his side, will be victorious.

Bildergebnis für lagertha

I made one painting which was directly inspired by Lagertha – how do you like it?



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